Non-Profit Status
Business Chaplains of Texas has tax exempt status under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations given from the conception of our organization, may now be claimed on your taxes in accordance with IRS Non-Profit laws.
(Effective date of exemption: August 28, 2012)
With your assistance, Business Chaplains of Texas will be able to properly operate according to the guidelines of the IRS. We deeply appreciate your prayers and donations in helping us further His ministry in the workplace.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration and efforts to further The Lord's mission and share His message to the world!
(Effective date of exemption: August 28, 2012)
With your assistance, Business Chaplains of Texas will be able to properly operate according to the guidelines of the IRS. We deeply appreciate your prayers and donations in helping us further His ministry in the workplace.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration and efforts to further The Lord's mission and share His message to the world!